
small business saturday american express

small business saturday american express:Are you tired of spending your hard-earned money at big chain stores? Do you want to support your local community and economy? Then mark your calendars for Small Business Saturday on November 27th, and get ready to shop small! This special shopping holiday, started by American Express in 2010, encourages consumers to shop at small, independently-owned businesses in their communities. Not only does it provide a boost to local economies, but it also allows shoppers to find unique and one-of-a-kind gifts for their loved ones. So join the movement and show your support for small businesses this holiday season. Keep reading to learn more about Small Business Saturday and how you can participate!

Understanding Small Business Saturday: History and Importance

Understanding Small Business Saturday: History and Importance
Small Business Saturday is an annual shopping event that takes place on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. This special day, which started in 2010, encourages consumers to support their local small businesses and shop in their own communities. It was originally created by American Express as a way to bring attention to the importance of small businesses and their contributions to the economy.
The history of Small Business Saturday can be traced back to the recession that occurred in the late 2000s. Many small businesses were struggling to stay afloat during this time, and American Express wanted to find a way to support them. They came up with the idea of a dedicated shopping day for small businesses, similar to Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but with a focus on local, independently-owned shops.
The first Small Business Saturday was held on November 27, 2010, and it quickly gained traction. The event was supported by numerous organizations, including the Small Business Administration and various chambers of commerce. It was also embraced by local communities and shoppers who were looking for a way to make a positive impact on their local economies.
The importance of Small Business Saturday cannot be overstated. Small businesses play a crucial role in our economy, providing jobs, fostering innovation, and adding to the vibrancy of our communities. According to the Small Business Administration, small businesses account for 44% of U.S. economic activity and create two-thirds of new jobs. By supporting small businesses, we are not only helping them thrive, but we are also investing in the growth and sustainability of our communities.
Shopping at small businesses on Small Business Saturday has many benefits. One of the main advantages is the opportunity to discover unique and one-of-a-kind products that are not available in big chain stores. Small businesses often specialize in niche markets or offer handmade and locally sourced items, giving shoppers a chance to find something truly special. Additionally, shopping small allows you to directly interact with business owners and employees who have a passion for what they do. Their expertise and personalized service can enhance your shopping experience and make it more enjoyable.

How American Express Supports Small Businesses on Small Business Saturday

American Express has been a strong advocate for small businesses since the inception of Small Business Saturday. The company recognized the challenges that small businesses face and wanted to find a way to support them and highlight their importance in our communities. As a result, American Express created Small Business Saturday as a way to encourage consumers to shop at small, independently-owned businesses.
One of the ways that American Express supports small businesses on Small Business Saturday is through their “Shop Small” campaign. They provide participating small businesses with various marketing materials, such as signage, banners, and social media templates, to help promote their involvement in the event. This helps small businesses generate awareness and attract more customers on this special day.
In addition to the marketing materials, American Express offers a variety of resources and tools to help small businesses prepare for and make the most of Small Business Saturday. They provide free online training and educational resources on topics like marketing, customer service, and social media, to help small businesses enhance their skills and reach more customers. American Express also provides small businesses with access to their powerful advertising and marketing platform, American Express’ Shop Small Studio, which allows them to create customized marketing campaigns and connect with potential customers.
To further incentivize consumers to shop small, American Express offers various promotions and discounts on Small Business Saturday. They encourage cardholders to use their American Express cards to make purchases at participating small businesses by offering statement credits and rewards for eligible purchases. This not only helps small businesses generate sales but also encourages consumers to support their local communities.
American Express also partners with various organizations and communities to promote Small Business Saturday. They collaborate with local chambers of commerce, business associations, and government agencies to raise awareness and encourage participation. By working together with these organizations, American Express is able to reach a wider audience and create a stronger impact on Small Business Saturday.
Overall, American Express plays a crucial role in supporting small businesses on Small Business Saturday. Through their marketing materials, resources, tools, and partnerships, they empower small businesses to thrive and succeed. By participating in Small Business Saturday and using their American Express cards to make purchases, consumers can join forces with American Express to show their support for small businesses and make a positive impact on their local economies. So this Small Business Saturday, be sure to shop small and support your local businesses with American Express!

How You Can Support Small Businesses Through Shopping Small

Small Business Saturday is just around the corner, and it’s the perfect opportunity for you to show your support for local businesses and make a positive impact on your community. Here are some ways you can support small businesses through shopping small on this special day.
First and foremost, make a list of the small businesses in your area that you want to support. Do some research and find out which ones align with your interests and values. Whether it’s a local bookstore, a boutique clothing store, or a family-owned restaurant, there are countless options to choose from. By planning ahead and knowing where you want to shop, you can make the most of your time on Small Business Saturday.
On the day itself, make an effort to visit these small businesses in person. Shopping small is not just about making purchases; it’s also about the experience and the connection you can build with the business owners and employees. Take the time to chat with them, ask questions, and learn more about their products or services. This not only supports the business financially, but it also fosters a sense of community and creates lasting relationships.
Another way you can support small businesses is by spreading the word. Use your social media platforms to promote the small businesses you love. Share pictures, write reviews, and tag the businesses in your posts. This will help increase their visibility and attract more customers. You can also encourage your friends and family to shop small by talking about your positive experiences and recommending specific businesses to them.
If you’re unable to shop in person on Small Business Saturday, don’t worry. Many small businesses have online shops or offer other alternative shopping options. Take advantage of these options and show your support by making purchases online or ordering for curbside pickup. Small businesses have adapted to the challenges of the pandemic, and by shopping through these channels, you can still make a difference.
Lastly, consider joining a small business loyalty program or signing up for their newsletters. This not only benefits you with exclusive discounts and offers but also helps small businesses build a loyal customer base. By staying engaged and connected, you can continue to support these businesses long after Small Business Saturday is over.
Remember, shopping small is not just a one-day event. It’s a mindset and a commitment to supporting local businesses throughout the year. By making a conscious effort to shop small and support your local community, you are helping to create a thriving and vibrant economy. So this Small Business Saturday, get out there, shop small, and make a difference in your community!

Benefits of Participating in Small Business Saturday as a Consumer

Benefits of Participating in Small Business Saturday as a Consumer
Participating in Small Business Saturday as a consumer can bring a multitude of benefits to both you and your community. By choosing to shop small on this special day, you are not only supporting local businesses, but you are also making a positive impact on your neighborhood and local economy.
One of the main benefits of shopping small on Small Business Saturday is the unique and one-of-a-kind products you can discover. Small businesses often offer a wide range of specialty items that you won’t find in big chain stores. Whether it’s handmade jewelry, locally sourced organic products, or custom-made artwork, shopping small gives you the opportunity to find something truly special for yourself or as a gift for your loved ones. By purchasing these unique products, you are supporting the creativity and innovation of local entrepreneurs.
In addition to finding unique products, shopping small allows you to directly interact with business owners and employees. Small business owners have a passion for what they do and take pride in their products and services. They are often more than happy to provide personalized recommendations, answer your questions, and offer excellent customer service. Building these relationships with local businesses not only enhances your shopping experience but also strengthens the sense of community in your area.
Another benefit of participating in Small Business Saturday is the economic impact it has on your community. Small businesses play a vital role in our economy by creating jobs, stimulating innovation, and contributing to the overall vibrancy of our neighborhoods. By choosing to shop at local businesses, you are directly supporting the livelihoods of your neighbors and friends. The money you spend at small businesses stays within the community and helps to create a thriving and sustainable local economy.
Moreover, shopping small on Small Business Saturday allows you to make a difference in your community. By supporting local businesses, you are helping to preserve the unique character and identity of your neighborhood. Small businesses contribute to the charm and personality of an area, creating a more vibrant and diverse community. By shopping small, you are investing in the long-term growth and sustainability of your neighborhood.
Finally, participating in Small Business Saturday gives you a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. By choosing to support local businesses, you become part of a movement that values community, economic resilience, and sustainability. Your decision to shop small aligns with your values and contributes to the greater good. Knowing that your purchases make a positive impact on your community can bring a sense of joy and pride.
In conclusion, participating in Small Business Saturday as a consumer brings numerous benefits to both you and your community.

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